Hosting 101: How to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Hosting 101: How to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Celebrating the holidays with friends and family can create cherished memories, but it can also create a lot of stress. Preparing your home for holiday guests can go a long way in helping you manage the holiday season. Make your life easier with these helpful tips from Quest Interiors on how to get your home ready for the holidays.

Hosting 101: How to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

In the Kitchen

  • Clean Out Your Appliances: There’s nothing quite like putting away all those leftovers and finding no space left in the fridge, or the look on your mother-in-law’s face when she sees your dirty oven. We often don’t think about cleaning out our appliances throughout the year, but the holidays are the perfect time to add this task to your to-do list.
  • Update Kitchen Cabinets: When was the last time you gave yourself a gift in the form of new kitchen cabinets? At Quest Interiors, we pride ourselves on furnishing cabinets for every lifestyle, from the occasional house party to hosting the whole family for the holidays. We stock cabinet solutions for every style and our designers are always available to create a fabulous space that will wow all your guests this season.
  • Invest in the Right Utensils: Last year was the last year you used the same spatula to stir every dish on the stove and serve it on the table. Pamper yourself with enough utensils to get the job done across the board - you’ll thank yourself later.
    Create Enough Counter Space: Are you happy with the amount of space your counters currently give you for your culinary creations? If not, it may be time to upgrade your countertops. Our fabrication and installation process will go so smoothly, it will feel like Santa’s elves themselves are installing new countertops in your kitchen this year.

In the Bathroom

  • Update Your Floors: With all the foot traffic that your bathrooms will see this holiday season, it’s a good idea to invest in waterproof flooring that can meet the challenge. Quest Interiors’ waterproof flooring comes in a variety of colors and styles to match any bathroom aesthetic and your guests will be awed for years to come.
  •  Stock Up on Travel Items for Your Guests: Everyone knows how it feels to be caught away from home without the right toiletries. Stocking up on a few necessary items in your guest bathroom can be the just-right touch that creates the perfect experience for your guests.
  • Install Your Dream Shower: While you’re creating the perfect space for your family and friends, don’t forget to think of yourself. Create the perfect relaxation spot with a custom tile shower. Custom tile showers are environmentally-sustainable as they are made from biodegradable clay and they’re customizable to fit any shower size and design.

In the Living Room

  • Put Down New Carpet: When was the last time you switched out your carpet? Say goodbye to old stains, hello to comfort and charm. Carpet flooring will keep your toes warm on the coldest of winter days and is perfect for relaxing with a good book or opening presents on Christmas morning.
  •  Eliminate Clutter: This tip goes for all rooms, but especially the living room where most of the living gets done. Before your guests arrive, don’t forget to tidy up any clutter that might be lingering in the corners. This has the added bonus of helping you get ready for guests and ring in the new year with an uncluttered house and mind!

    Quest Interiors is here to help you get your house ready for entertaining this holiday season! Contact our team and one of our consultants will get back to you.