Cleaning Tips for Laminate Flooring

If you have children, preventing them from tracking in dirt can be a challenge. Before you attempt mopping your floors make sure that any loose dirt has been removed. By not sweeping your laminate flooring your mop is simply going to push the dirt around, resulting in a dirty floor with extra streaking. Use a vacuum or broom to get up the loose dirt before mopping.
You will find that there are countless options in terms of floor cleaning supplies. Many of them do a great job. You can even create your own green cleaning supplies by mixing 1/4 cup of vinegar with 2 gallons of water. Vinegar is not only great at cleaning dirty floors but will also leave them free of streaks, unlike some cleaners.
If you've recently made the switch from carpeting to new laminate flooring in your home, you might have found the cleaning process is much different. A common question we hear from new laminate flooring owners is about how to keep from leaving streaks when cleaning their new floors. Simply follow the cleaning tips below to keep your laminate floors looking beautiful and free of streaks.

Picking a Laminate Floor Cleaner 

Loose Dirt on Laminate Flooring 

What Type of Mop to Use 

Choosing the correct type of mop is important when it comes to cleaning your new laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is more prone to streaking and traditional rag mops will often leave streaks on your floors. Choose a mop with a microfiber pad. These mops tend to be more effective at removing tough dirt and are less likely to leave streaks.

Prevent Streaks on Laminate Flooring 

When you allow your floor to air dry there is a greater chance for streaking to occur. This also allows dust in the air to cling to the moisture on your floors. After you finish mopping an area, go back over it with a dry microfiber pad to absorb the excess moisture.
Thinking about installing new laminate flooring? For more details or to get design consultation with one of our courteous, expert advisers, contact us, or visit any of our 4 SHOWROOM LOCATIONS locations to learn more.